Dear customers,
Hurry up and order a bouquet or a composition from the best florists in Tbilisi! Our website has a wide variety of flowers for any purpose! Fast delivery! Our flowers are fresh! Quality is impeccable!
Even if bouquets on our website aren’t to your liking, we are always happy to accommodate your specific wants and needs! The price won’t be affected in any way! All you have to do is contact our manager.
It’s very easy to pick a gift for a teacher and you won’t need to waste time looking for a vase/packaging. We provide special compositions that last longer by using specialized sponges inside the box, they stay completely fresh up to a week!
We offer not only bouquets but also balloons, toys and home plants. All of which are great ways to show your gratitude. We offer ficus, monstera, hedera and other indoor plants.
If you want to pick up flowers yourself or order on the spot, come to 95 Beri Gabriel Salosi Ave, Tbilisi 0119.